
アジア学院が何年にもわたってアイディアを練り、準備をしてきた50周年もついに明日が記念式典になります。50周年記念サイトにてライブストリーミングを用意しています。世界62か国の卒業生たちと一緒に、ぜひオンラインでご参加ください。クラウドファンディングも、明日からキャンペーン開始。国内ではReadyForで、研修・教育コンテンツ支援キャンペーン、国外ではGlobalGiving で渡航費支援キャンペーンで寄付を募ります。






50周年記念ページ - アジア学院
農村から世界を変える。 支援する


13:00-13:45 50周年記念礼拝 説教:ロバート・ウィットマー牧師(前農村伝道神学校校長、カナダ合同教会派遣宣教師)

14:00-15:45 50周年記念式典基調講演:オルデンドゥー・チャタジー氏(インド出身、1976 年アジア学院卒業生、開発調査コミュニケー ションセンター(DRCSC)創立者)、荒川朋子氏(アジア学院校長)


国内ではReadyFor https://readyfor.jp/projects/ari で、研修・教育コンテンツ支援キャンペーン、

国外ではGlobalGiving https://goto.gg/60943 で渡航費支援キャンペーンで寄付を募ります。

共に生きるアジア学院の輪の中で、共に歩む手段の一つとしてご活用ください!! 皆さんの参加をお待ちしています。キャンパス内外での記念事業・コラボ企画も多く実施しています。ご興味のある方は pr@ari.ac.jp までご連絡ください。

The 50th anniversary celebration and crowdfunding begins tomorrow at 12:45pm!

After years of ideas and preparation, tomorrow will officially mark the 50th anniversary of ARI.

We have worked together for fifty years with our brothers and sisters, leaders of rural communities around the world, to build a future of peaceful, sustainable rural life. This year, we have imagined this effort under the motto of, “Learning Together for a Rural Future”, divided amongst five broad areas: “Peace from the soil,” “Foodlife,” “Climate justice and climate action,” “Education,” and “Organization”. For this year’s celebration, we have envisioned the future fifty years of ARI, step by step.

Guest speakers and graduates from around the world have arrived, participants this year are hard at work preparing their local dishes to enjoy with our guests, and decorations from regions all over decorate Koinonia, ARI’s dining hall.

The whole campus is aflutter with preparations.

While we would love to have the whole ARI community with us on campus, we understand many people come from far away, so we have prepared a live-streaming service for the event. Please join us online with the global ARI community.

50th Anniversary Commemorative Site - Asian Rural Institute
Asian Rural Institute50th Anniversary Celebration Since ARI’s founding in 1973, we have been supported by many people who have made it possible to reach our 50t...

If you would like to support ARI with a small donation and spread the word, we will be collecting donations through the NGO-focused crowdfunding platform GlobalGiving. Funds will be used to support future participants’ travel costs. https://goto.gg/60943 For those within Japan with Japanese credit cards, the platform ReadyFor is crowdfunding for educational support costs. https://readyfor.jp/projects/ari (Japanese only)Finally, ARI hosts many commemoritave and collaborative projects on and off campus. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us at pr@ari.ac.jp. Please use this as one of the means to walk together in the circle of ARI! We look forward to your participation.
