株式会社BULL、ALE社の宇宙デブリ対策事業の関連資産等を承継 ※English follows

“地球内外の惑星間の行き来を「当たり前」に”することをビジョンに掲げ、天体への(再)突入技術を活かした宇宙利用サービスの提供を目指す株式会社BULL(本社:栃木県宇都宮市、代表取締役/CEO:宇藤 恭士、以下、当社)は、株式会社ALE(東京都港区、代表取締役/CEO:岡島礼奈、以下ALE)より、宇宙デブリ対策事業の関連資産等を承継したことをお知らせいたします。ALEは同事業において、「導電性テザー(EDT, ElectroDynamic Tether)を用いた宇宙デブリ拡散防止装置」の開発を進めており、BULLの代表取締役の宇藤はALE在職時に当該事業のマネージャーを務めていました。

BULL succeeds to ALE’s space debris mitigation business related assets

~Aiming to further improve projects to prevent the generation of space debris~

BULL Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan; Yasuhito Uto, CEO; hereinafter referred to as “BULL”), which aims to provide inexpensive / concise services in space by utilizing “(Re –) Entry” technology into planets with the vision of “making the interplanetary travel “the norm” on and off the the Earth, announces that it has taken over the assets related to the space debris mitigation business from ALE Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Minato City, Tokyo, Japan; Lena Okajima, CEO; hereinafter referred to as “ALE”). ALE has been developing a space debris prevention device using ElectroDynamic Tether (EDT) in this business. Uto, CEO of BULL, used to serve as manager of this business during his tenure at ALE.


Key visual of the Debris Mitigation Business (provided by ALE)

  • 背景と目的 Background and Purpose


・人工流れ星を始めとした「宇宙エンターテインメント事業(SKY CANVAS)」






Until now, ALE has been engaged in three businesses:

・The ‘Space Entertainment Business (SKY CANVAS)’, represented by the human-made shooting star

・The ‘Atmospheric Data Business’, aimed at contributing to the understanding of climate change through the utilization of Earth’s atmospheric data

・The ‘Space Debris Mitigation Business’, predominantly focused on the development of a debris mitigation device utilizing EDT

 However, from the perspective of selection and concentration ALE’s management resources, ALE has decided to discontinue the debris mitigation business.

BULL has been engaged in its own space debris mitigation / prevention project and has been vigorously engaged in related research and development. BULL recognizes the value in the technological and commercial capabilities that ALE has accumulated, and expects to be able to commercialize these capabilities more quickly by making the most of them. Both BULL and ALE have decided that continuging effots under BULL would be the best course of action.

BULL will make full use of the technology possessed by BULL and the related assets recently taken over from ALE to promote the commercialization of the business quickly and steadily, leading to sustainable business growth.

  • 関連資産等の譲渡の概要  Transfer Details


The assets, intellectual property rights, and know-how related to the debris mitigation business owned by ALE will be transferred to BULL on June XX, 2023 (the consideration is undisclosed).

■BULL 代表取締役/ CEO 宇藤恭士コメント


■ALE 代表取締役/ CEO 岡島礼奈コメント


■Comment from Yasuhito Uto, CEO, Bull Co., Ltd.

In the development of our debris prevention device, the technology and knowledge that ALE has cultivated over the years is extremely invaluable, and we are very pleased to be able to take over this project from ALE. ALE is the first company I worked with in the space industry and they are a remarkable predecessor. To promote sustainable development of space exploration worldwide, we will continue to value a rough and ready stance and dedicate our utmost efforts.

■Comment from Lena Okajima, CEO, ALE Co., Ltd.
I am very pleased that BULL, led by Mr. Uto, who has been dedicated to this business as a colleague at ALE, will take over our efforts in debris mitigation. I look forward to further leaps in the future. I hope to aim for a sustainable space environment in the entire space development industry, of course including BULL and ALE.


Yasuhito Uto of BULL (left) and Lena Okajima of ALE (right)




社  名 : 株式会社BULL(ブル)


代 表 者 :   代表取締役/CEO 宇藤恭士

設  立 : 2022年11月

事業内容 : 宇宙デブリ対策事業、軌道利活用関連事業

U R L : https://bull-space.com/


ALEは「宇宙を、好奇心に動かされた人類の、進化の舞台にする」をビジョンに、「科学を社会につなぎ 宇宙を文化圏にする」をミッションに掲げる民間宇宙スタートアップ企業です。


社  名 : 株式会社ALE(エール)

本社住所 : 東京都港区芝大門2-11-8

代 表 者 : 代表取締役/CEO 岡島礼奈

設  立 : 2011年9月1日

事業内容 : 宇宙エンターテインメント事業「SKY CANVAS」・大気データ事業

U R L : https://star-ale.com/

■About ALE Co., Ltd.

Company Name: ALE Co., Ltd.

Address: 2-11-8 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012, Japan

CEO: Dr. Lena Okajima

Established: 1st September 2011

Nature of Business: Space Entertainment (SKY CANVAS), Atmospheric Data, Debris Mitigation

URL: https://star-ale.com/en/

■About BULL Co., Ltd.

Company Name: BULL Co., Ltd.

CEO : Yasuhito Uto

Established : 7th November 2022

Business activities : Space Debris Mitigation/Prevention Project, Space Orbital Utilization Project

URL: https://bull-space.com/en/

ALE社によるプレスリリース Press Release by ALE

