【DTS】米国ITサービス企業Partners Information Technology社(Calance)の株式51%取得完了に関するお知らせ

 株式会社DTS(本社:東京都中央区、代表取締役社長:北村友朗)は、2022年8月22日付「米国ITサービス企業Partners Information Technology社(Calance)の株式51%取得で合意に関するお知らせ」において公表いたしましたPartners Information Technology社(Calance),の株式51%取得の手続きが、2022年11月7日に完了しましたのでお知らせいたします。  
 DTSはこれまでも、米国で事業を展開するグループ会社のDTS America Corporation(本社:米国・ニューヨーク、取締役社長:馬淵 廣之、以下「DTSアメリカ」)の拠点網(東海岸、中南部、西海岸)を通じて金融機関、小売業、ヘルスケア、製造業向けSIサービスを展開してきました。
 今後は、Partners Information Technology社(Calance)の米国市場でのIT Staffing(スタッフィング)とIT Services(サービス)ビジネスの知見を共有し、DTSのさらなる事業拡大を目指していきます。


 Partners Information Technology社(Calance)Calance(カランス)は、ソリューション導入・メンテナンスの専用チームを編成し、その分野の高度な専門スキル保有者のIT Staffing(スタッフィング)とIT Services(サービス)に大きな強みを持っています。また、米国内での要員探索・選別を迅速に行う機能と、優良な顧客基盤も有しています。
 以上の点から、DTSアメリカは、2017年以降Partners Information Technology社(Calance)Calance(カランス)と戦略的パートナーとしてアライアンスを組み、顧客のシステム構築対応に加え、ERP・SAP導入対応等を協働で実施してきました。
 今回の出資により、DTSはPartners Information Technology社(Calance)Calance(カランス)とより強固な連携を図り、米国事業を強化していきます。今後は、主要な顧客である金融機関の


みならず、様々な業界に向けてDX等のソリューション系ビジネスを展開していきます。また、親会社Calance Software Pvt. Ltd.との連携もはかり、DTSのITビジネスの多様化やさらなる事業の拡大へも繋げていきます。

2.Partners Information Technology社(Calance)について

商号 Partners Information Technology, Inc.
(インド・デリー本社Calance Software Pvt. Ltd. の100%米国現地法人)
住所 888 S Disneyland Drive, Suite 500, Anaheim, CA, 92802-1846 USA
代表者 Chief Executive Officer  Amit Govil
沿革 ・2011年10月Calance Software Pvt. Ltd. の100%子会社として設立
・2012年 Partners Consulting Inc. を吸収合併
社員数 269名
拠点 全米5ケ所 アナハイム(本社)、ロサンゼルス、ダラス、アトランタ、デンバー
事業内容 IT Staffing(スタッフィング)、IT Services(サービス)
IT ソリューション導入支援事業(SAP、SharePoint)、
WEBサイト https://www.calanceus.com/ja/


<Calance Software Pvt. Ltd. について>
設   立:2004年1月
社 員 数:172名
事業概要 :ソフト開発、オフショア受注 

本社所在地:〒104-0032 東京都中央区八丁堀 2-23-1 エンパイヤビル

【English Edition】

DTS Completed to Acquire a 51% Stake in Partners Information Technology (Calance), a US-based IT Services Company

DTS to expand the US business and strengthen IT Staffing and IT Services

DTS CORPORATION (headquartered in Chuo-Ku, Tokyo; Tomoaki Kitamura, President and Representative Director) has completed to acquire a 51% stake in Partners Information Technology (Calance), which was announced in the Notice of Agreement to Acquire 51% of the shares of Partners Information Technology (Calance) on August 22, 2022.

DTS has been providing SI services to financial institutions, retailers, healthcare companies and manufacturers through the network (East Coast, South Central, and West Coast of USA) of DTS America Corporation (headquartered in New York, USA; Hiroyuki Mabuchi, President; hereinafter “DTS America”), a DTS Group company to provide services in the United States.

DTS will share its knowledge in the IT Staffing and IT Services businesses in the US market with Partners Information Technology (Calance), aiming to expand business of DTS.

1. Synergy for expanding business in the United States

Partners Information Technology (Calance) has a team dedicated to the solutions implementation and maintenance. It has a strong IT Staffing and IT Services department comprising staff with highly specialized skills in the field and also has advance capabilities of promptly searching for a personnel with desired qualifications in the United States, a feature enabling it’s enviable customer base.

Focusing on these strengths, DTS America formed an alliance in 2017 and has been cooperating with Partners Information Technology (Calance) as a strategic partner for building systems and introducing ERP and SAP solutions for customers.

Following the recent investment in Partners Information Technology (Calance), DTS will strengthen its US business by advancing its cooperation with Partners Information Technology (Calance). DTS will develop its solutions business, including digital transformation, not only for financial institutions as major customers but also for many other industries. Additionally, DTS will cooperate with Calance Software Pvt. Ltd., the parent company of Partners Information Technology (Calance), to diversify and expand its IT business.

 2. About Partners Information Technology (Calance) 

Invested company Partners Information Technology, Inc.(US-based wholly owned subsidiary of Calance Software Pvt. Ltd. headquartered in Delhi, India)
Address 888 S Disneyland Drive, Suite 500, Anaheim, CA, 92802-1846 USA
Representative Chief Executive Officer  Amit Govil
History – Established in October 2011 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Calance Software Pvt. Ltd.
– Absorbed Partners Consulting Inc. in 2012.
Number of employees 269
Offices Five offices in the United States: Anaheim (head office), Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta and Denver
Business IT Staffing, IT Services, IT Solutions Implementation Support (SAP, SharePoint), digital transformation support using Cloud services and AI, development of business applications
Website https://www.calanceus.com/


About Calance Software Pvt. Ltd.
Head office: Delhi, India
Established: January 2004
Number of employees: 172
Business: software development, offshore services

DTS CORPORATION, a comprehensive system integrator (SIer), provides one-stop services, including consulting, system design and development, infrastructure construction, and operation, primarily services for the financial industry, industry and public sectors, and communications industry.
The DTS Group provides high-value-added services, leveraging its expertise in many different areas related to systems.
Head Office location: Empire Building, 2-23-1 Hatchobori, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0032

