MUSIC CIRCUS’23で発生した性暴力事件の告発取り下げについて


Eight Bulls Corporation

株式会社TryHard Japan

 2023年8月13日にMUSIC CIRCUS’23においてDJ SODAがパフォーマンス中に数名の観客から胸などを触られた事件について、DJ SODAが所属するEight Bulls Corporationと株式会社TryHard Japanは、共同で声明を発表します。

 DJ SODAは、この事件について、被疑者3名からそれぞれ謝罪文を受け取り、被疑者らが深く反省し、悔いていることを確認したため、この謝罪を受け入れて被疑者らを許すこととし、金銭賠償を含まない形での和解を成立させました。

 この和解成立を受け、株式会社TryHard Japanは、8月21日に泉南警察署に提出していた告発を、11月1日に取り下げました。


 Eight Bulls Corporationと株式会社TryHard Japanは、これからも音楽とダンスを愛する人々が安心して楽しめる場を世界中につくり、それを盛り上げていくため、共に引き続き尽力してまいります。



MUSIC CIRCUS’23에서 발생한 성폭력 사건 고발 취하에 대하여

Eight Bulls Corporation

주식회사 TryHard Japan

 2023년 8월 13일 MUSIC CIRCUS’23에서, DJ SODA의 퍼포먼스 중, 몇몇 관객이 출연자의 가슴 등 신체 부위를 만진 사건에 대해, DJ SODA가 소속된 Eight Bulls Corporation과 주식회사 TryHard Japan은 공동으로 성명을 발표합니다.

 DJ SODA는, 이 사건에 대해, 피의자 3명으로부터 각각 사과문을 받고, 피의자들이 깊이 반성하고 뉘우치고 있음을 확인함에따라, 이 사과를 받아들여 피의자들을 용서하기로 하고, 금전배상을 포함하지 않는 형태의 화해를 성립시켰습니다.

 이 화해 성립에 따라, 주식회사 TryHard Japan은, 8월 21일에 센난 경찰서에서 실시하고 있던 고발을,  11월 1일로 취하했습니다.

 피의자들에게도 관대한 대응을 해줄 것을 수사기관에 요청할 생각입니다.

 Eight Bulls Corporation과 주식회사 TryHard Japan은, 음악과 춤을 사랑하는 사람들이 안심하고 즐길 수 있는 장소를 전 세계에함께 만들어 나가며, 그것을 위해 앞으로도 각자의 장소에서 힘써 나갈 것입니다.



Regarding the Withdrawal of Accusations in the Sexual Assault Incident at MUSIC CIRCUS’23

Eight Bulls Corporation

TryHard Japan Co., Ltd.

On August 13, 2023, during MUSIC CIRCUS’23, an incident occurred in DJ SODA was touched inappropriately by several audiences during her performance. In response to this incident, DJ SODA’s affiliated entities, Eight Bulls Corporation and TryHard Japan Co., Ltd., issue a joint statement.

DJ SODA has received apologies from three individual suspects in this incident. After confirming that these individuals deeply regret and have repented for their actions, DJ SODA has chosen to accept their apologies and forgive them, leading to a resolution without any financial compensation.

In this resolution, TryHard Japan Co., Ltd. has withdrawn the accusation that was filed with the Sennan Police Station on August 21. We intend to request lenient treatment for the suspects from the law enforcement agencies.

Eight Bulls Corporation and TryHard Japan Co., Ltd. remain committed to creating safe and enjoyable spaces for people who love music and dance around the world. We will continue to work together to promote these interests.

Thank you.
